Welcome, here you will find all the products of the Resnova Group, AdBlue by BASF

Stay in touch

If you have questions on AdBlue products, if you would like to receive information on your order or anything else, please fill out the form 


Nuova Sede Operativa/New Warehouse: Via IV Novembre, 28E/F - 25030 Mairano (BS) - Italy

Sede Legale: Via Corsica, 143 - 25125 Brescia- Italy

Phone: +39.030.777.8147

Mobile: +39.347 969 1967

Fax: +39.030.95 83 111

Email: info@piublue.it

Office Hours

Monday to Friday

08:00 - 12:00

14:00 - 18:00

Saturday and Sunday – Closed